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Publication list
- Exploiting dijet resonance searches for flavor physics
- Constraining flavour patterns of scalar leptoquarks in the effective field theory
- Effective Theory Approach to New Physics with Flavour: General Framework and a Leptoquark Example
- Low-energy signatures of the PS3 model: from B-physics anomalies to LFV
- A three-site gauge model for flavor hierarchies and flavor anomalies
- Probing Lepton Flavour Universality with K→πνν
- Semileptonic B-physics anomalies: A general EFT analysis within U(2)n flavor symmetry
- Massive vectors and loop observables: the g−2 case
- Minimal muon anomalous magnetic moment
- Three loop calculations and inclusive Vcb
- Heavy Quark Expansion of Λb→Λ∗ (1520) Form Factors beyond Leading Order
- The LFU Ratio Rπ in the Standard Model and Beyond
- Heavy-Quark Expansion for Bs→Ds(∗) Form Factors and Unitarity Bounds beyond the SU(3)F Limit
- Theory determination of B→D(∗)ℓν form factors at O(1/mc2)
- Testing lepton flavour universality in semileptonic Λb→Λc∗ decays
- On the Standard Model predictions for RK and RK∗
- Impact of leptonic ττ decays on the distribution of B→Pμν decays
- Higgs Pseudo Observables and Radiative Corrections
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